Sunday, September 2, 2012

Just Vote

Dear Fellow American Citizen:

I promise to not go all moralizing on you and remind you of all the people who fought and died for the right to vote.

This is a plea to all the undecideds, libertarians, progressives that are disappointed with Obama, conservatives who for whatever reason can't get behind Romney/Ryan, people who think they should support the third party candidate women of all ages and young 'uns - college kids, working kids, kids living in their parents' basements. THIS COUNTRY CANNOT SURVIVE IF YOU DON'T VOTE. AND THIS ELECTION CANNOT BE CLOSE BECAUSE IF IT IS IT WILL BE STOLEN JUST LIKE IN 2000.

You may not love Obama with the same passion you had 4 years ago but for the love of an America that we can still recognize, don't break up with him.

If you are in one of the following groups, or not, think about these questions and go vote for Obama.

Progressives - he ain't perfect. He could do more. He's too cautious. But how would the alternative be better?.

Women - do you really want all those pasty white men all up in your lady-business? Do you want to lose access to birth control? Do you want yourself or your sister or your best friend to die because safe abortions would be a thing of the past. I remember when both birth control and abortion was illegal. Do we want to turn the clock back 40 years?

Everyone - Isn't good health a basic human right. Should a well person's ability to stay well though access to preventative care or a sick person's ability to get well be tied to their income and employment status? Should sick children be denied coverage because the cost of their care is not in the best interest of the insurance company's bottom line?

Gun people - has anyone come to your door yet to take them away?

Young Ron Paulites - the bad news is he probably won't legalize weed.  Do you stay on your parents' health insurance. Do you want to continue to be able to borrow money for college. Do you want to get drafted to go fight in Iran or some other hellhole

Olds and future olds - Vouchers for Medicare? Privatize Social Security? If people want private retirement accounts and can afford them, good. They should have them. But according to Bloomberg last March 60% of American workers had less than $25,000 saved for retirement and half of US workers do not have access to retirement savings plans through their employers. Social Security is the safety net that will keep seniors from eating cat food. Do you want to have to decide between food and medicine? Do you want to have to live with your kids?

This election is less about the two candidates than it is about the kind of country we will become over the next generations. And yes, generations because whoever wins this thing in November will get to appoint THREE Supreme Court Justices to join the ranks of Roberts, Alito, Scalia and Thomas giving the extreme right a majority that will far outlast the administration of the President who appoints them. A Romney Supreme Court would likely undo decades of progress in civil rights and protections, women's rights, workers' rights. Do you seriously believe any of this is in your best interests? If you do just remember this is the Supreme Court that gave us 'corporations are citizens'. If General Electric as a corporate entity can have the same rights as you, individual person' have who's 'rights' do you think will be a priority for a Romney Court.

Same goes for a Romney administration. I am baffled that this election would even be close although I guess I shouldn't be surprised. In 2000, the neocons needed an empty suit to run for President so that they could go to war with Iraq. It was a risk and if not for the last minute Supreme Court coronation 4000+ American soldiers and 100,000 Iraqis would still be alive and we would not have countless young men and women who served their country coming home physically and psychically damaged with no jobs to support themselves and their families.

This time the corporations need the empty suit and they found one and they have obscene financial resources to buy the Oval Office for their empty suit. I'm not so comfortable with Obama's relationship to corporations but I have no doubt that Romney would be a much more faithful servant to his corporate overlords.

The theme of the RNC should have been 'You're on Your Own' because that is what will happen to the 99% on January 20, 2013 if Willard Mitt Romney gets to take the oath of office.

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